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 Associates International

World Information Distributed University
Asian Institute of Management Science
Shenzhen University
United Kingdom of Professionals
Hong Kong Institute of Real Estates
Professional Management Association

 Associates International Newslines

World Information Distributed University
"Bridge Between East and West "

The World International Distributed University
and Camden University has signed an MOU for the Accreditation
and Recognition of University's programs in the frame work of "
Global Education System - GES " as set  up by the Royal
Decree in Belgium................

(For More Details ..............please visit the Website)

Asian Institute of Management Science
" The Foremost Business Institute in Asia "

The Institute was founded in late 1990's and its strength lies in
the support given to it as a Professional Management Institute
by management gurus in various disciplines especially in

(For More Details ..............please visit the Website)

ShenZhen University Joint Program

A joint program was designed and geared to the needs of South East
Asia people who want to strengthen their management knowledge and
professional skills in their career life and for those entrepreneurs
with business exposures in South East Asia and Greater China

(For More Details ..............please visit the Website)

United Kingdom of Professionals

The UKAP, which is based in UK, strives to link international education professionals
together in order to help create a global environment where there is mobility and
education for all professionals worldwide.....

(For More Details ..............please visit the Website)

Hong Kong Institute of Real Estates

The HKIR is one of the top leading institutions specialized in
training in Property & Facility Management , Real Estate
Development and Investment Portfolio Studies..........The HKIR
and Camden conducted jointly conducted on regular basis ..........

(For More Details ..............please visit the Website)

Professional Management Association

The PMA is an institution incorporated in HK in 2003 as not-for
-profit organization aiming to foster the professional
competence of those working senior management executives of
organizations and it also acts as business platforms for
business linkage in trade and business environment

(For More Details ..............please visit the Website)